This is the complete program. Try it out on your computer. The units 1 to 30 of the Nunc Loquamur text are included. You can use this with or without the book. For a comprehensive look at the features of this program, look here.
Click on the icon to start downloading. [approximately 67 MB]
The user understands that the author of this software makes no claims that it is error-free. The user also understands that the author of this software cannot be held accountable for any data loss or damage that may occur while this software is running. The user agrees to abide by all appliable laws and regulations pertaining to the use of this software: including copyright legislation. Warranty Disclaimer. DEVELOPER'S WARRANTIES SET FORTH IN THIS AGREEMENT ARE EXCLUSIVE AND ARE IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. The contents of this software are the copyright property of Thomas McCarthy May 20, 2006. All rights reserved.